Idea – A website where people are able to report things going on in their neighbourhood. We have all been there when, something has happened in our area and we must anxiously wait to see it come on the news. To be frank, it is kind of annoying, being so close to the accident or celebration and waiting for a confirmation by the news to accept and digest it. It is about time where we were put in charge of what happens and making sure that the information we are receiving is correct and true to the source. Every neighbourhood will have their own code to the website to get exclusive content that is valuable to them. Hopefully the app will be able to include events that are going to be put on as well as houses up for sale. This idea came to me through the struggles of which I perceive in my neighbourhood. In the area that I live in we have quite a few events that go on throughout the year as well as shared thoughts and opinions on things we need to do to better the community. ...